Techland presents new audio story “Takeshi” voiced by Takaya Kuroda
Takaya Kuroda, actor known from Yakuza game series and as Masamichi Yaga in Jujutsu Kaisen anime, voiced Techland’s Audio Story – Takeshi.
Takeshi, next to Antigone, Dedrick and Rosemary, is another story based in the Dying Light 2 Stay Human universe. He was once a lawyer in Tokyo, working for the army. They all meant well, but we all know how it turned out. Also for Takeshi’s family… Are you ready to find out what happened to them? Is there even a chance… to Stay Human?
Play Takeshi Audio Story now, if you are ready. And if you are dying 2 hear more, visit Techland’s playlist with all audio stories created for Dying Light 2 Stay Human.
Dying Light 2 Stay Human’s world premiere is coming up fast, so make sure you catch all the episodes of the Dying 2 Know series (all episodes available here) or if you are really Dying 2 Know More about the game, make sure to visit this link for more episodes of exclusive interviews.
Dying Light 2 Stay Human, published by Techland, launches on February 4, 2022 on PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S.
Pre-orders are available via All pre-orders will come with the exclusive digital Reload Pack and Reach for the Sky Pack, featuring unique outfits, weapons, backpack and paraglider skins. Reach for the Sky Pack, was created in collaboration with Rosario Dawson (The Mandalorian, Sin City), who plays Lawan, a key character whose fate connects with main protagonist Aiden during his journey.
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