Review: Pipkins (Vol 4)
DVD: Pipkins Vol 4 (1973-81)
It’s; tick…tock…tick…tock…TIME……for a review of Pipkins. And if that introduction makes any sense to you, then you’ll surely have already ordered this fantastic DVD from Network On Air.
First shown on New Years Day 1973, Pipkins (originally titled ‘Inigo Pipkin’) was a regular part of my television viewing during my childhood. Although I was slightly above the shows intended age demographic, even back then I was aware of just how ‘strange’ it was. On re-watching Pipkins as an adult, I’m now amazed at how bizarre this show is and fully expected the end credits to roll with the words ‘Directed by David Lynch’.
Over the course of its 8 year run Pipkins had various human hosts and in 1979 changed its familiar workshop setting, but the stars of the show were always the puppets; especially Hartley Hare, Tortoise, Pig, Topov and Octavia. The bedraggled, narcissistic and manic Hartley Hare is by far the standout attraction to the show. Constantly informing everyone of his own self-importance, while at the same time making a complete fool of himself, Hartley is the main visual that you will take into your Pipkins induced fever dream after watching these episodes. Though if any of you are old enough to have been watching Dr Who when the Sea Devils first appeared, then Topov’s passing resemblance and cold black eyes may well haunt you too (watch out for Topov staring zombielike in the background from underneath a dividing curtain in a children’s hospital…a visual chill that Guillermo del Toro would be proud of).
The format of the shows in Vol 4 involve Johnny making/fixing something (while singing a song at the same time), the puppets helping with problems and visiting people/places, and Hartley Hare being….well, being himself really!
I always find it fascinating looking back at 1970’s entertainment from the perspective of todays ‘politically correct’ society, and I was howling with laughter at scenes that have a completely different connotation when viewed as an adult…or is it just my warped mind!?
I hadn’t watched Pipkins since my schooldays and had forgotten most of the details (except Hartley Hare of course, who still continued to make sporadic appearances in my nightmares, much like a Lepus Freddy Krueger), and it was an absolute pleasure to re-watch these episodes. If you remember them from your youth you will have a fantastic time visiting the workshop again, but even if you have never heard of the show you are in for a treat, despite what age you may be.
Settle down on the couch, put this DVD on and treat yourself to some television entertainment from a time when ‘Brummie‘ pigs, Cockney monkey’s, French ostriches and a batshit crazy hare were all the rage….and if you’re in any doubt, take a minute to watch the video below for a taste of what you now see implied as an adult that more than likely passed you by as a child…or is it my warped mind again!?
Review by Dave (host of 60 Minutes With) from discs kindly supplied by Network On Air.