Review: Jesus Shows You the Way to the Highway
Digital HD: Jesus Shows You the Way to the Highway (2019)
Trying to clearly articulate what Jesus Shows You the Way to the Highway is all about is akin to trying to herd cats…blindfolded…while drunk.
It is a mis-mash of genres and visual styles, with a narrative that happily makes abrupt tangents and asks you to hold on for the ride as it takes you to places that you definitely weren’t expecting.
All the way through its 83 minute running time I found my thoughts flip-flopping between “this is really weird“, “I like this“, “I’m not sure if I like this“, “this is great“, “no it isn’t“, and as the end credits rolled I still wasn’t really sure if I enjoyed it or not. One thing that it is not though is forgettable.
At its heart is a story about 2 CIA agents who enter a low-tech (Spectrum loading screens!) virtual reality world to kill a virus and have to battle…well, that is definitely something for you to discover, as all sorts of weird and wonderful things appear on screen.
Stop-motion action, “Batfro”, Mexican wrestlers, paper mask wearing heroes, plus-sized sex scenes, deliberate bad dubbing, and a whole lot more awaits you as you embark on a sensory journey that lingers long in the mind.
It can be argued that Jesus Shows You the Way to the Highway tries a little too hard to shoehorn itself into being seen as a cult classic, but it definitely hits all the marks for becoming one, and you find yourself slowly being drawn into it despite questioning why.
It’s a movie that will divide more opinions than most , but love it or hate it, there’s an experience here that raises a lot to be talked about when the final credits roll.
Give it a shot if you enjoy experimental cinema and some of the more “weird” movies out there.
Review by Dave from a streaming link kindly supplied by Arrow Films.