Review: Medici – Masters of Florence. Season 1
DVD: Medici – Masters of Florence. Season 1 (2016)
Set in 15th Century Florence, Cosimo Medici (Richard Madden) has inherited the Bank of Medici from his father Giovanni (Dustin Hoffman), who has been mysteriously poisoned. Through various flashbacks we are taken back to see the lives of young Cosimo and his brother Lorenzo and their relationship with their father.
When I saw that Frank Spotnitz of The X-Files and The Man in the High Castle fame had made this series I was intrigued. What twist would he put on this story of murder, deceit, wealth, incest? Well, quite a good one actually.
Completely sumptuous to watch, and if you can forget the real history and just take this for what it is; an exceedingly good, sexy, soap opera, then you’re in for a treat.
Similar in style to The Tudors (sex, humping, sex, death, money, death, humping – all in great costumes) in so far as the characters names are correct, but the historical accuracy is practically nonexistent, Medici: Masters of Florence is one of the better historical ‘sex-soaps’ so beloved by women like ME. The men are all resplendent in velvet and terribly vigorous in the bedroom, while the women (also in velvet) yearn and murder and are equally athletic.
With the inclusion of the Medici’s contemporary’s such as Donatello, Brunelleschi and Botticelli, I was glued to the screen. In fact my only complaint is Dustin Hoffman. Such a coup to get a well renowned actor in a television series like this, yet he is the only weak link with his weird acting and accent.
I’m looking forward to season 2, Sean Bean as Jacobo De Pazzi will be fab!
Medici: Masters of Florence will be released on December 11th and you can buy it by clicking HERE. ALL money raised by purchasing from Amazon via our website is given back to our listeners and followers in upcoming competition prizes. The more people buy, the bigger our prizes.
Review by Tina (co-host of 60 Minutes With) from discs kindly supplied by Aim Publicity.