Review: The Meaning of Life
Blu-ray & DVD: The Meaning of Life (1983)
Monty Python’s final feature film is essentially a series of extended comedy sketches based around the theme of “The Meaning of Life”, covering everything from birth, sex, war, food, and ultimately our final demise as the Grim Reaper comes for us…at a dinner party…never use canned fish!
Much like the Monty Python TV show, some sections hit the mark better than others, but even in its “weaker” moments I still find myself giggling, on this my umpteenth viewing of it.
There are the memorable moments which everyone who has seen the film talks about: Mr Creosote having a meal, sex education class, the “Every Sperm is Sacred” song and dance number, but in amongst those are also many more very clever, and very funny, surreal looks at what it means to be alive.
If you’ve never been a fan of Monty Python, then there is nothing here that would change your mind (unlike the more narrative driven ‘The Holy Grail’ and ‘The Life of Brian’), but for everyone else this is Python being Python…and for me that’s always a good thing.
- Hour Long ”The Meaning of Monty Python” 30th Anniversary Reunion
- Eric Idle Introduction
- Hilarious Feature Commentary with Terry Jones and Terry Gilliam
- The Snipped Bits 7 Deleted Scenes
- Selling The Meaning of Life
- In Your Face Promotional Material Song and Dance Featurette
- Alternate Versions of songs
- Promotional Material and Much More!
The Meaning of Life is released 28th September 2020.
Review by Dave from a disc kindly supplied by Fabulous Films.