Review: The Wolf Man
Blu-ray: The Wolfman (2010)

The basic story is the same: Talbot gets attacked by a werewolf and the curse of lycanthropy is passed on to him, leaving him at the powers of the full moon when he turns into a vicious and even hairier version of himself.
The cinematography is beautiful, the score is sweeping and atmospheric, and with a cast that includes Del Toro, Anthony Hopkins, Emily Blunt, Hugo Weaving and more, the acting is really good too, drawing you deeper into the dark narrative.
Featuring both the original theatrical version and an extended cut which includes 17 minutes of additional footage, and a spattering of special features, this is a great package to pick up whether you’ve watched the movie before or not.
- Alternate endings
- Deleted and extended scenes
- Featurettes, Return of The Wolfman, The Beast Maker,transformation secrets, The Wolfman Unleashed
Released 3rd October 2022.
Review by Dave from a disc kindly supplied by Fabulous Films.