Review: Singularity
DVD: Singularity (2017)
Elias van Dorne (John Cusack) is the CEO of the world’s biggest robotics company and the creator of ‘Kronos’; a super-computer designed to end all wars. Kronos however, decides that humans are the biggest threat to world peace and launches an attack to rid the planet of this warmongering ‘infestation’.
Years later, a small pocket of survivors try to reach a fabled human hideout where a new world can begin. But does this pocket of humanity exist? Will they survive the killer robots to reach their destination? Will you give a crap about anything during this low budget sci-fi movie?
Sticking a (once) famous actor into a low budget movie and having them for only a day or two of filming is a tried and tested way of upping your market presence, getting some funding, and also enticing in movie watchers who have fond memories of that actors work.
Despite John Cusack’s name being front and centre, his part is scattered throughout the 89 minute running time in an effort to make his part seem bigger than it actually is. Stuck mostly in the same room for all of his scenes, he’s reduced to looking at computer screens, mumbling some quasi-scientific gubbins, and mostly leaving you wondering if he’s had any ‘work’ done on his face.
The premise of Singularity, while being generic, is enticing enough, but is let down by poor acting, characters that you don’t care about, and special effects that would be passable from a 2nd year film student.
Regular readers of my reviews on here (and listeners to our podcast) will be aware that I have a deep love for lower budget movies (see The Beaster Bunny, The Man From Hong Kong, and A Violent Man (another upcoming release from Thunderbird Releasing) as a few examples), but in Singularity there is nothing at all to hold my attention…or even make me giggle at the ineptitude of anything. If I had to write a 1 word review, it would be ‘bland’.
If you’re a sci-fi collector and have to watch/own every sci-fi movie released, then this will obviously be one that you’ll want to watch. For everyone else; yes there’s a lot worse out there, but there’s also a hell of a lot that are better.
Singularity will be released on 7th May 2018 and you can buy it by clicking HERE. ALL money raised by purchasing from Amazon via our website is given back to our listeners and followers in upcoming competition prizes. The more people buy, the bigger our prizes.
Review by Dave (host of 60 Minutes With) from a disc kindly supplied by Thunderbird Releasing.