Review: Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell
DVD: Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell (2015 – ) Epic TV featuring world famous actors has more or less overtaken cinema. Game Of Thrones has brought fantasy back to the forefront, and being able to zip through a box set on disc or online is now the norm. So for the BBC to give us […]
Review: The Man With The Golden Arm
Blu-ray: The Man With The Golden Arm (1955) Ex-junkie Frankie Machine (Frank Sinatra) is released from prison and nicknamed “The Man with the Golden Arm” for his skill in dealing cards, hopes to give up his old life of crime and make a new career as a jazz drummer. But he eventually gets sucked back […]
Review: Nemesis (Box Set)
Blu-ray: Nemesis Box Set (1992-96) What an odd quadrilogy of films the Nemesis universe is. Directed (and mostly) written by infamous ‘cannon fodder’ Albert Pyun they’re a glaring mishmash of many influences. Parts 2 (made from the left overs of 1), 3 and 4 are centred around female protagonist (bodybuilder Sue Price, whopping thighs), who […]
Review: Game of Thrones
Television: Game of Thrones (2011 – ) How Game of Thrones broke the internet. If anything ‘broke the internet’ it definitely was NOT Kim (who?) Kardashian’s arse, it was the last episode of Game of Thrones. No point saying ‘beware spoilers!’ as if you haven’t seen it by now, and you’re a fan, where the […]
Review: Jurassic World
Cinema: Jurassic World (2015) Sat in the ‘sweet spot’ at my new local IMAX 3D cinema, I’m shaking with excitement as I awaited what I hoped would be the ultimate summer blockbuster. But not just me; hundred’s more and millions more around the world whom many of 20yrs ago sat in a cinema wide-eyed as […]
Review: The Protector
DVD: The Protector (1985) As the camera sweeps across the desolate streets of New York City, Mad Max styled street punks attempt to rob a truck driver that has ended up on the wrong side of the tracks, but we are not in some futuristic nightmare; we are, strangely, in a Jackie Chan film. The Protector […]
Review: Society
Blu-ray: Society (1989) Billy (Billy Warlock) doesn’t really fit in with his rich family, his Mom and Dad prefer his sister, so he resorts to seeing a psychiatrist to try and make sense of his feelings of not fitting in. Hearing a tape recording of his sister’s coming out party, he believes that something very strange is going […]
Review: Double Dragon
Blu-ray: Double Dragon (1994) Ahhh….the 90’s. Almost feels like yesterday when movies based on video games were the hottest property in movieland. Superhero films were still a rarity, aside from the odd blockbuster, so the big screen hero’s were found in arcade machines or 8 & 16 bit consoles. From 101 Films comes 1994’s Double Dragon on Blu-ray […]
Review: The Human Centipede III (Final Sequence)
VOD: The Human Centipede III (Final Sequence) (2015) Writer/Director Tom Six came to prominence with the movie watching public when The Human Centipede (First Sequence) came crawling and gagging onto our screens in 2009. He followed this up in 2011 with The Human Centipede II (Full Sequence) which took a darker (in both visuals and narrative) look […]
Review: Tomorrowland
Cinema: Tomorrowland (2015) Casey Newton (Britt Robertson) ‘knows how stuff works’ and her obsession with space travel invariably gets her into trouble. Coming across a mysterious badge which enables her to travel to another dimension, leads to an epic adventure where the future of the earth is at stake. Oh and it has George Clooney […]